bp006 – Cat Gif Offsprings
Season: 1 Episode: 6 Date: October 3, 2016 Duration: 00:33:52
Tags: birthday, booncon, company, culture, party, work
Tags: birthday, booncon, company, culture, party, work
In this special episode we might be victims of residual alcohol and talk about our company turning 5 and awesome party games.
Surprise Surprise
Klask/ Klūsk
Rules to the dumbest card game ever
Apparently the game is actually called "Around the world" – Solidarity
Akwardy walk-iny
Serious presentation avoidance
A philosophy we want to bring into the world
booncon – more about booncon – even more about booncon
Offspring reluctance
booncon PIXELS – how we work – PIXELS Team: 9 nationalities, 15 languages
Offspring promiscuity
Something more
Luki of Finland
HS article (FIN) – article translation
Fidel Castro 2.0
Unconditional bye bye
booncon.com/podcast – @booncon
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